

 ChaAC is an internationally recognized group for excellent research and teaching in the area of theory and practice of cryptography.


 ChaAC focuses on developing and analysing cryptographic techniques, schemes, and protocols that help to address a variety of IT security and privacy problems. In particular,
  • we investigate the hardness to realize certain cryptographic mechanisms
  • we study the relationship between different cryptographic primitives
  • we develop cryptographic techniques to protect the privacy of the people
  • we build cryptographic schemes to verifiably outsource the computation and storage to the cloud
  • we design efficient cryptographic schemes to harden passwords and encrypted structured data 
  • we analyse the security of cryptographic schemes and protocol used in practice
  • we study cryptocurrencies, such e.g., Bitcoin and Monero

The employees at ChaAC share and work for the following common values.





We care about conducting high-quality research and make the newest results accessible to our students. The aim of our work is to shape the understanding of cryptography and to develop mechanism to enhance the security and privacy in practice.




We ensure effective and successful collaboration with fellow colleagues, industry partners and students through our uncompromising values on honesty, reliability, and fairness. We uphold academic discipline with our punctuality and open communication, and thus our proficiency.

Future Orientation


Cryptography was always driven by the technological advancements and ever-growing necessities of its practical applications. This in turn drives us to develop novel cryptographic mechanisms.



Our aim is to conduct both research and teaching at the highest standards.



We identify ourselves with the common goals and the values of the chair.